@INPROCEEDINGS{10173811, author={Servin, Christian and Becker, Brett A.}, booktitle={2023 IEEE Green Technologies Conference (GreenTech)}, title={Towards Improving Green Technologies Education: The Role of the ACM/IEEE/AAAI Model Curricula}, year={2023}, volume={}, number={}, pages={270-274}, doi={10.1109/GreenTech56823.2023.10173811}}
C. Servin and B. A. Becker, "Towards Improving Green Technologies Education: The Role of the ACM/IEEE/AAAI Model Curricula,"Â 2023 IEEE Green Technologies Conference (GreenTech), Denver, CO, USA, 2023, pp. 270-274, doi: 10.1109/GreenTech56823.2023.10173811.