Category Archives: Programming

Introducing computer science to Irish schools

On monday the Irish government anounced more strategy for their plan to introduce programming to the primary and secondary curricula. As currently set out, this will take place through the mathematics curriculum (at least at the primary level). As part of the wider plan, Computer Science will be introduced as a secondary level (high school) subject, a development I have also been following recently.

The Digital Strategy for Schools 2015-2020 plan for 2017, which was launched by Minister for Education Richard Bruton yesterday, seeks to increase the use of ICT (information and communications technology) in Irish schools and includes the introduction of a benchmarking system from this September to allow teachers to track their progress in using digital technologies when teaching. Read more over at CSzero.

Fortran, still going strong at 60+?

Here is a great article discussing three challengers to Fortran’s dominance of scientific and high-performance programming. (Note that most things scientific are desired to be done with high-performance, and most things worth being done with high-performance are scinetific.) The article puts forth Haskell “as the elder statesman”, Clojure and julia as posisble successors to Fortran’s throne, but in reality most of the article is spent very justifiably defending Fortran’s place and almost ruling out the three contenders.