

author = {Becker, Brett},
title = {The Roles and Challenges of Computing Terminology in Non-Computing Disciplines},
year = {2021},
isbn = {9781450385688},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3481282.3481284},
abstract = { Aspects of computing are used in all professions. Regardless of academic discipline,
graduates require ever-improving computing competencies – applied in their own disciplinary
contexts – to become proficient experts in their chosen careers, as well as informed
members of society. However, teaching and learning contextually relevant computing
competencies is challenging. One such challenge is the effective use of computing
terminology. Terminology is fundamental to most human activities and is critical in
making or breaking the interfaces where disciplines meet. Notably, we found very little
work on the use of computing terminology in non-computing contexts and none utilising
interviews from educators in such areas. In this qualitative research, we interviewed
20 non-computing university-level lecturers from a very broad set of disciplines in
Ireland. Interviews focused on the role of computing terminology in the teaching and
learning of contextually relevant computing concepts in their own disciplines, including
barriers presented and methods to overcome them. This revealed a landscape as diverse
as the disciplines themselves including a range of uses, issues, and approaches related
to computing terminology. Although each story is unique, they all fit into a coherent
spectrum, indicating that educators in one discipline would likely benefit from knowing
how those in other disciplines have dealt with similar issues. They also reveal useful
insights on contextual computing for computing educators. We also made several unexpected
findings that are important considerations for how computing is taught and learned
in other disciplines. },
booktitle = {United Kingdom and Ireland Computing Education Research Conference.},
articleno = {10},
numpages = {7},
keywords = {interdisciplinary, nomenclature, jargon, terminology, computing across the disciplines, slang, non-majors, lexicon, computing},
location = {Glasgow, United Kingdom},
series = {UKICER '21}


%0 Conference Paper
%T The Roles and Challenges of Computing Terminology in Non-Computing Disciplines
%@ 9781450385688
%R 10.1145/3481282.3481284
%B United Kingdom and Ireland Computing Education Research conference.
%I Association for Computing Machinery
%A Brett Becker
%D 2021
%P Article 10
%K interdisciplinary, nomenclature, jargon, terminology, computing across the disciplines, slang, non-majors, lexicon, computing
%C Glasgow, United Kingdom


Brett Becker. 2021. The Roles and Challenges of Computing Terminology in Non-Computing Disciplines. In United Kingdom and Ireland Computing Education Research conference. (UKICER '21). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 10, 1–7. DOI: