@Article{antoniadi2021current, AUTHOR = {Antoniadi, Anna Markella and Du, Yuhan and Guendouz, Yasmine and Wei, Lan and Mazo, Claudia and Becker, Brett A. and Mooney, Catherine}, TITLE = {Current Challenges and Future Opportunities for XAI in Machine Learning-Based Clinical Decision Support Systems: A Systematic Review}, JOURNAL = {Applied Sciences}, VOLUME = {11}, YEAR = {2021}, NUMBER = {11}, ARTICLE-NUMBER = {5088}, URL = {}, ISSN = {2076-3417}, DOI = {10.3390/app11115088} }
%0 Journal Article %A Antoniadi, Anna Markella %A Du, Yuhan %A Guendouz, Yasmine %A Wei, Lan %A Mazo, Claudia %A Becker, Brett A. %A Mooney, Catherine %D 2021 %J Applied Sciences %@ 2076-3417 %V 11 %N 11 %P 5088 %T Current Challenges and Future Opportunities for XAI in Machine Learning-Based Clinical Decision Support Systems: A Systematic Review %M doi:10.3390/app11115088 %U