New edition of AISHE-J published

Volume 7, Number 2 of the All Ireland Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education was published today. The journal is published by the All-Ireland Society for Higher Education.

The table of contents is below, and the issue can be accessed here.


Introduction to the Issue
Saranne Magennis
Invited Articles
Integrating Ethical Challenges in Practitioner Research
David Coghlan
Research Articles
Circle Time as an Inclusive Learning Space: Exploring Student Teachers’ Prior School Experiences.
Bernie Collins, Anne Marie Kavanagh
Factors which Influence the Academic Performance of Level 7 Engineering Students
Rauri McCool, Sinead Kelly, Moira Maguire, Dermot Clarke, Damian Loughran
A Novel Smart Device Student Response System for Supporting High Quality Active Learning in the Engineering and Science Disciplines
Seamus McLoone, Rudi Villing, Simon O’Keeffe
What Undergraduate Early Childhood Education and Care Students Find ‘Troublesome’ During the Early Period of Practice Placements
Mark Taylor
Reflections, Journeys and Case Studies
Postgraduates: How can national policy centralise this forgotten tribe and celebrate their skills in tackling the challenges of higher education.
Barry Ryan
The effects of Language Acquisition using Digital Game Based Learning in the Classroom including a Design Critique of Furious Frogs
Cathal McCosker
Review of Reflective teaching in Higher Education by Paul Ashwin, David Boud, Kelly Coate et al, Bloomsbury, 2015
Linda Joan Carey
Review of Irish Higher Education: A Comparative Perspective, by Patrick Clancy, Dublin, Institute of Public Administration, 2015.
Delma Byrne
Conference Abstracts
Abstracts of the 9th Annual Irish Workshop on Mathematics Learning Support